
Staking Protocol

Each staked position (spNFT) is characterized by essential details, encompassing:

  • Unique Identification (ID): Every spNFT is assigned a distinct identifier, ensuring its individuality within the ecosystem.

  • Deposit LP Token: The spNFT is associated with a specific LP token, which represents the initial deposit made by the user.

  • Deposit LP Token Amount: The spNFT indicates the exact quantity of the deposited LP tokens, offering transparency regarding the stake's magnitude.

  • Annual Percentage Yield (APY): Each spNFT is accompanied by an APY, denoting the anticipated annualized return generated by the staked position.

  • Optional Lock Settings: Users have the option to define lock settings for their spNFT, encompassing the duration of the lock and specific start/end times. These settings influence the accessibility of the staked funds.

  • Multipliers Information: Multipliers associated with the spNFT, which can augment the yield potential and provide additional rewards. These multipliers may be contingent on factors such as time locking or participation in specific pools.

Incorporating these facets, every spNFT embodies a comprehensive profile that empowers users with detailed insights into their staked positions and associated rewards.


Here is an overview of the various interactions available to the owner of a staked position (spNFT):

  • Deposit: Add more tokens to the current position. If the position is unlocked, this action resets the lock duration. However, if the position is already locked, the deposit will extend the lock period.

  • Withdraw: Withdraw a specific amount of tokens from the position. If the withdrawal results in an empty position, the spNFT is automatically burned. It's important to note that this action cannot be performed in a locked position.

  • Harvest: Collect all pending rewards (xART and ART) from the position. This action is applicable when yield incentives are allocated to the LP token associated with the position.

  • Lock: Lock an unlocked position for a specified duration. Once locked, the position cannot be withdrawn from until the lock duration has lapsed.

  • Extend: If the position is already locked, the owner can choose to renew or extend the lock duration for a further period.

  • Transfer: Transfer the ownership of the position to another Ethereum address. This provides flexibility in managing and distributing ownership of spNFTs.

  • Split: Divide the original position into two separate positions, each containing an equal portion of the initial amount. If the original position is locked, the new position(s) will also be locked with identical settings.

  • Merge: Combine multiple positions into a single one. The merged position will adopt the longest lock duration and the latest end lock time among all the positions being merged.

By offering these interactions, spNFT owners can actively manage and optimize their staked positions according to their financial goals and strategies.


When initiating a spNFT position, you have the option to specify a lock duration, which essentially prevents any withdrawals from the spNFT until the lock period concludes.

Each wrapped FLASHPAD LP is equipped with its own distinct lock parameters, encompassing a maximum lock duration along with a corresponding maximum lock multiplier.

Should the LP position be incentivized, a lock will grant a yield bonus based on this multiplier, potentially serving as a prerequisite for participation in a Thunder Pool staking opportunity.

This bonus will be computed in a linear manner, directly linked to both the chosen lock duration and the maximum lock multiplier.

In the future, our aim is to empower LP protocols with the ability to control their specific lock settings and associated multipliers. Nevertheless, this transition will be carefully overseen by the DAO governance process.

Through these mechanisms, our commitment at FLASHPAD is to provide a dynamic and transparent ecosystem where LPs and their protocols enjoy autonomy while ensuring a regulated framework guided by DAO governance.


Ultimately, each yield-generating spNFT will feature a distinct Annual Percentage Yield (APY) determined by several key factors:

  • The allocation designated by the Master for the respective wrapped LP.

  • The lock multiplier is associated with the spNFT.

  • The YieldBooster multiplier influences the spNFT's yield potential.

Yield farming

While staked positions in the form of spNFTs offer a multitude of potential applications, their primary initial role will involve substituting traditional yield farming approaches by receiving incentives from FLASHPAD.

Last updated